Research Questions and Scores

Today’s session began with us watching a video clip of the round robin which we had all participated in the week before. Whilst watching this, it made me realise that although I managed to stay in contact with my partner, I did use my eyes to look around a lot, rather than feel with my body where to move to. When I then took part in the contact jam later that week, we were made to do it blindfolded. I felt that being forced to come out of my comfort zone really helped me and I believed that I was participating in the contact to my full potential. I think that this weeks jam has also made me reflect on my progression through the module. Not only was i completely unaware of who I was dancing with, showing that I had gained trust of everyone in the group, but i was  also allowing others to lift me, as well as lifting others, despite none of us being able to see,

The second part of the lesson we used to devise and try out some scores. Now that we all have had more experience on contact improvisation,as it is approaching the end of the module, we aim to collaborate everything we have discovered in to one score. The  rules which we have included are:


1. Ask an audience member to pick a number between 1 and ten. If you get an even number you have to start on the floor, if you get an odd number you have to start standing up. The number given to you is also the amount of people you have to dance with before leaving the space.


2. When you see two lifts you have to re-enter the space and start dancing again.


3.  If any two people are left in the space at any time, the other dancers must make a corridor around them. Again, if two lifts are seen, the other dancers must continue with their contact improvisation.




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